Piano Lesson

“I often think in music

I live my dreams in music

I see my life in terms of music.”

-Albert Einstein

“Sometimes i can groan and suffer

and pour out my despair at the piano.”

-Frederic Chopin




Piano Lesson

Have you always wanted to learn to play the piano? Did you learn the piano when you were younger and now wish you had continued? Everyone has the ability to create and express at the piano. I offer fun and exciting piano lessons for beginner and intermediate that are tailored to each student’s needs. The piano lessons consist of working on technique, sight reading, theory, ear training and more! The core of our piano lessons focus on perseverance and enjoyment in learning and exploring. Adult students welcome!

오랫동안 피아노에 손에 떼고 있었지만 다시 치고 싶으신가요? 피아노라면 도레미 밖에 못 치지만 피아노 반주를 배워서 함께 노래를 부르고 싶으신가요? 어렸을 때 피아노를 배웠던 배우지 않았던, 수준과 선호하는 장르에 맞게 원하는 맞춤 레슨이 가능합니다. 초보는 물론이고 어렸을 때부터 꾸준히 피아노를 배웠던 학생들도 모두! 클래식, 재즈, 코드반주까지! 학생의 수준과 원하는 장르에 따라 맞춤형 수업이 가능합니다. 이론도 함께 진행이 가능하며 RCM 커리큘럼에 맞춰서 지도합니다.

Piano Lessons for Preschoolers


Musical experience at an early age plays an important role in a child’s learning ability and developmental process. Better Minds Education offers specialized preschool piano programs that are personalized and cater to the group’s learning style and level. Each session consists of special themes, activities, piano playing, creative art activities, and rhythm activities that are connected to piano theory. 

어린 시절의 음악적 경험은 아동의 학습 능력과 발달 정에서 중요한 역할을 합니다. Better Minds Education 유치원 그룹 피아노 수업은 아이들의 수준에 맞게 개인화되어 있으며 각 세션은 피아노 이론과 연관된 특별 주제, 창의적 미술 활동, 리듬 활동으로 알차게 구성되었습니다. 


 Objectives & Outcomes


Reinforce your practical and theoretical basics


Develop sight reading and aural skills


Deepen your understanding of musical techniques and skills


Understand the basics of written musical theory and relate them to performance

Book a Course Today!

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