정윤서 (Yuna) 학생은 3학년에 유학을 온 직후 주디 선생님을 만나 귀국 전까지 3년간 영어공부를 했습니다.
처음 캐나다에 왔을때 윤서는 영어에 대한 두려움을 갖고 있어서 쉬운 단어조차 읽는것을 힘들어 하였고, 학교 수업을 따라가는 것도 매우 힘들어했습니다. 영어공부에 대한 고충을 누구보다도 잘 이해했던 주디선생님은 체계적인 맞춤형 커리큘럼을 통해 윤서가 영어에 대한 거부감 없이 친숙해질 수 있도록 도왔습니다.
기초를 단단하게 잡은 후 단계별로 차근차근 공부하며 윤서는 영어공부에 흥미와 자신감을 얻게되었습니다. 윤서는 유학생활 1년째 되던 해에 ELL 수업을 패스하고 레귤러 수업에 참여할 수 있었습니다. 또한, vocabulary test에서는 평균 95-100%를 받을 수 있었으며, 현지인 못지않은 발음으로 현지 캐네디언들과 원할한 소통을 할 수 있었습니다. 빠르게 성장한 윤서의 영어실력에 담임선생님은 칭찬을 아끼지 않으셨습니다.
귀국 전까지 grammar, writing, reading comprehension은 물론, 토플공부까지 한 윤서는 ‘영어가 이렇게도 재미있을 수도 있구나!’
라는 생각을 갖고 성공적인 유학생활을 마칠 수 있었습니다.

Yuna studied English with Judy for three years, from the start to the end of her study period, that is, from Grade 3 to Grade 6.

When Yuna first came to Canada, she knew very little English. She had great difficulty understanding English, and she was very afraid to speak out in class.  She also felt demotivated.  It was hard for her to read even simple English words. As a result, she was unable to keep up with her class instructions.

Judy, who understands the challenges of studying English better than anyone else, helped Yuna learn basic English phonetics and basic grammar points.  Through a systematic curriculum that best fit Yuna’s specific needs, Judy successfully helped Yuna regain her interest in learning English.

As Yuna began to grasp the basic English phonetics and basic grammar points, she gained confidence. She became more driven, and her learning progress started to speed up.

Just a year after the start of her  study period, Yuna passed her ELL class and was enrolled in regular classes. She received an average score of 95-100% on vocabulary tests.

Her English speaking ability reached native proficiency, which enabled her to carry smooth conversation with Canadians. Her remarkable progress has stunned her teachers.

For three years, Yuna focused on grammar, writing, reading comprehension, even TOEFL.  When asked about her English learning experience, Yuna replied, “I never thought English can be so much fun!”